
The Hidden Truth About Fear

"He has not learned the lesson of life
who does not everyday surmount a fear."
- Ralph Waldo Emerson

Fear can be a powerful negative force in your life. It can limit and control you and stop you from any kind of growth, while at the same time filtering out much of the joy you can experience.

How does fear stop you? It causes you to see only a negative result of anything you might want to try. It gives you a feeling of anxiety that churns in your stomach at the mere mention of trying something new.

Identifying your fear is the first step in mastering it! Awareness of a fear takes it out of the shadows and bring it into the light. It allows you to see it for what it is: a controlling filter that only lets you see what the fear wants you to see! It hides reality in a shroud so you can't see what you're missing!

Once an unhealthy fear is identified, you need to find a motivating force and the strength to overcome it. Knowing you are never alone in any situation, that you have a power greater than yourself to rely on and make you strong, can give you the strength to push through it.

Having faith and finding a support group, family member or life coach who can relate to your situation and be there for you when you're feeling unsure, will help you plow through it.

And once you are on the other side, you will be amazed at how easy it actually was! All fear is tissue-paper thin! One confident step forward causes it to crumble.

Remember, fear only exists between your ears!

Be brave, allow yourself to be challenged. Be true to yourself and to your inner voice!

(based on "Chasing the Shark: A Journey from Fear to Freedom,"
copyright Giant Strides LLC 2010; all rights reserved)

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